Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Hi there, I am back on Blog to do some updates and maintenance...

Hmm.....Currently I am feeling very Happy Working while relaxing on my off-day for my work...

I am currently pondering on a question that my friend asked me last week...

Will I be working Sales job for the rest of my life in future or will change into another job-line someday?

Although I am only selling house phones for my job-line but I am into selling IT things, like got interest in laptops, Mp3 players, Ipods, softwares, harwares & etc..

I have some things and considerations to make before, I make up my mind into changing another job-line...

Happiness Life & Unhappiness Life of mine do not clash into each other as I did not even bother by it, if not, I'll be in a Deep-Shit Mood...:(

To prevent from thinking about my unhappy life in life is hard, eventually have keep it behind my mind at work...

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