Thursday, July 23, 2009

Finally Let My Hair Down & Joyful Day...

Hello there to Everyone who is waiting for my new blogs update...

I am back to update with new things in life...

Today is my off-day and I enjoyed my day out with my friend, Peggy. Today we met in the afternoon and we planned to go watch movie but have not decide which show to watch so we picked the time-slot movie that was close to our destination place. We chose to watch Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince.

It was a wonderful and long duration show at the cinema. The movie was filled with alot of New Excitements, New Powerful Effects,More Magical Spells, More Potions-Making (LOVE POTIONS), Reveal More Darker Secrets, MORE Darker & Evil Spells & ETC.....

After the movie, we went to walk around before we head to bugis street and take a walk there. It was crowded and filled with people at Bugis Street although today is weekday. Lucky we did not meet those people who like to push-around types at crowded place. I hate those peeps.

After our walk at bugis street, we took a stroll then walked until Dhouby Ghaut MRT Station until then we finally head our way back home by MRT then Bus to reach our own individual homeplace.

I am signing off now. Bye and Goodnight...Sweet-Heart...

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