Monday, September 7, 2009


Hi, Guys. Currently I am playing an online game that interests me is that the online game is a Build Base - War Game.

That game is call "Evony". Although it is free but it does not require any payment unless you wanna buy their cash items to upgrade buildings, weapons, troops, somehow.

The website is

If it interests you to play, join my server 57 to tag along with me to play. I need Alliance in my group somehow... :D

Take Care.....>>>>>

ICT-Training on October

Hi There, Everyone. To those who did come and view my blogger.

I am doing fine currently at work and my personal life. I am leading a good life currently.

Although I am facing problems and stress during work but I manage to De-Stressed myself somehow.

Yeah, at least I can stop working for the time being on the month of October to go serve my re-service period to refresh what I learnt during my career in the NAVY. (Never Always Volunteer Yourself)

I am LooKing forward to my re-service period to do all those system-checks and so forth things for being in the Navy for 2 years anyway.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Finally Let My Hair Down & Joyful Day...

Hello there to Everyone who is waiting for my new blogs update...

I am back to update with new things in life...

Today is my off-day and I enjoyed my day out with my friend, Peggy. Today we met in the afternoon and we planned to go watch movie but have not decide which show to watch so we picked the time-slot movie that was close to our destination place. We chose to watch Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince.

It was a wonderful and long duration show at the cinema. The movie was filled with alot of New Excitements, New Powerful Effects,More Magical Spells, More Potions-Making (LOVE POTIONS), Reveal More Darker Secrets, MORE Darker & Evil Spells & ETC.....

After the movie, we went to walk around before we head to bugis street and take a walk there. It was crowded and filled with people at Bugis Street although today is weekday. Lucky we did not meet those people who like to push-around types at crowded place. I hate those peeps.

After our walk at bugis street, we took a stroll then walked until Dhouby Ghaut MRT Station until then we finally head our way back home by MRT then Bus to reach our own individual homeplace.

I am signing off now. Bye and Goodnight...Sweet-Heart...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Currently I am waiting for Diablo III to be purchase in Singapore to play online then...

The new Diablo III graphics is more 3D animated and got 3 class of character to choose and that includes a new wizard class...

If I play, I shall be playing Witch Doctor.....


Hi there, I am back on Blog to do some updates and maintenance...

Hmm.....Currently I am feeling very Happy Working while relaxing on my off-day for my work...

I am currently pondering on a question that my friend asked me last week...

Will I be working Sales job for the rest of my life in future or will change into another job-line someday?

Although I am only selling house phones for my job-line but I am into selling IT things, like got interest in laptops, Mp3 players, Ipods, softwares, harwares & etc..

I have some things and considerations to make before, I make up my mind into changing another job-line...

Happiness Life & Unhappiness Life of mine do not clash into each other as I did not even bother by it, if not, I'll be in a Deep-Shit Mood...:(

To prevent from thinking about my unhappy life in life is hard, eventually have keep it behind my mind at work...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Gaming World

Hi there, again...I shall be back to my gaming world during my free-time in future to continue my WoW Gaming again to go raiding dungeons ans as well as gaining my characters leveling...

I quite long did not touch my main character as I busy wanting find job then earn income in order to continue playing game on my free time...

WoW Rocks in Life just that this online game needs payment in order to play it, If not I will be playing it almost everyday in my life...

...I Loving It...

Go to these website to view my characters stats

New Experience At Work

Hey There...I am back to update my blog currently as I quite sometime did not update my blogger as currently busy working all days...

I gain quite alot of new experiences and make some new friends while working on my current new sales line job cum logistics helper...

I am feeling very happy as I can chat with my collegues while working at the same time...

On April 10 2009 - April 12 2009 was a tiring working 3 days job for me at Harvey Norman Warehouse Sales at Joo Kun there...The Warehouse was liked an Oven to ALL of US as inside was very hot and we were all perspiring alot during the Working Hours until Closing Hours...

Currently, I am waiting for the Expo Sales that is coming up...

Monday, March 30, 2009

First Day At Work

Hmm...Hello there to all my friends. Yesterday was my first day at work in Harvey Norman at Parkway Parade.....

There was quite alot of customers going here and there...

I am a promoter for corded and cordless telephone section in Harvey Norman...

Yesterday I managed to close only 1 of my telephone products...

Sigh...Sales for me was Bad yesterday...Anyway, I won't give up so easily yet but I will perservere and do my best for my Sales next week again...

I want to improve myself from learning from experience in work...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Lucky Day

Hello there to those who are geeting new updates from my blog.....

I'm back to update with 2 new things today.....

Firstly, I've a found myself a job to work and I hopw it will be permanent as I want to have a stable job currently....

Secondly, I Want to Wish my Friend, Peggy a Happy Belated Birthday for Tomorrow.....

Please enjoy your Good Day tomorrow if you're having any Events Outside.....

Best & Good Wishes to Everyone & my Friends who are always Supporting Me by my Side.....

SEE YOU.....I am signing off now.....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Naval Ship 92 is Transmariner

I still like the advertisement Transmariner for Navy Career.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Love In A Messy Life

Do you love malay girl? Yes.

Do you want to find her? Yes.

Are you serious to be have her? Yes

Will you be honest with her in life? Yes.

Have you wait for her for many years? Yes.

Have you try to date with her in life? Yes.

Did she give you any chance to date out? NO.

Are all the above seven statements are true? YES.

If you are serious to be with me, I am assure you will be with me and not let me wait for you. If you like to wait, then you wait yourself and not me waiting for you.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Birthday

Yesterday was my Birthday. I am 22 years old this year.

I enjoyed my birthday with my friend, Peggy.

In the afternoon, we meet at Serangoon MRT Station then we went to have our lunch at Farrer Park in an Indian Fast Food Restaurant.

My lunch was very delicious and I almost ate until bloated in my stomach. I had my lunch until very full.

After our lunch, we went to Vivo City to shop around then went to catch a movie.

We went to watch the movie "Push". The Movie was great as it was about psychic warfare and how they use their supernatural powers to kill their enemies.

There was two asian guys in the movie use high frequency wave by screaming to cause destruction in their path. That was fascinating but they are the baddies.

The good ones is there was one guy at the beginning trying to control his kinetic powers to lift objects to float in the air. In the later part in the movie, He met more good peoples to tag along with him, including Shadows, Magician, Watcher, Vision & much more.

After our movie, we went to buy some snacks from Old Chan Ki & Vivo-Mart.

Then we went to the Sky Park to look at the sea view at night towards Sentosa.

It was fun sitting down on the stone steps looking towards sea view.

We enjoyed the night and took some photographs of us together before we went head home after that.

I enjoyed my birthday tonight and I wish her Happy Birthday in Advance too.

Keep in Touch...

Job Interview

Hello there, I'm back again to update my blog.

Tomorrow I am going down to the main office at Lower Delta Road there for my job interview for the job as a sales assistant selling electronic items.

I hope I can get the job as well as interview is successful.

Pat myself on the back if I am able to start work asap.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Trip to Labrador Park

Last Sunday, it was my first visit to Labrador Park with my friend, Peggy. We went to the park at around afternoon. We went to have our lunch first at Vivo City before we proceed to Labrador Park.

We went to Harbour Front Bus Interchange to wait for Bus No 408. On that day inside the bus, there was only 3 persons on the bus that included the bus driver, me and my friend. It was feeling quite akward for both of us. It took quite a distance to reach that place. I felt that it was a desolated place but then there was quite crowd near the Jetty at the end off the Park.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lich King

Video Games Myspace Comments

Jobber Digger

Sigh.....Although it is hard to look for jobs currently but I'll try to persevere my job-scoop in life no matter how hard it is.....

I'll Do my Best as Life gonna face up alot of challenges & obstacles.....

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Bruise in the Heart

Although I've already broke up with my girl for our BGR Situation.

I'm willing start my life afresh in future with someone New.

I hope that someone can be Loved & Trusted Forever...

I want to live Life with No Regrets...

Got a Phone Call

Finally got a call from a company just now & tomorrow going for my job interview. I hope that it is a successful interview & may start work immediately.

New Week

Today is a new week. I have start hunting for more jobs for myself to make my days more useful rather than slacking here & there. Although job-hunting is tough in Singapore currently as the economy in quite bad. Sigh.....

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hi there. I'm Kenneth. I'm new to E-Blogger so I will be updating my new blog that I just created. New Born Blog Baby.